Solar System Project

This week in class we were divided into 6 groups. Each group were given one topic in Science and given a whole lesson plan to complete. 
Image result for solar system
My lesson plan assignment goes over the 5 E’s. Engage Explore Explain Apply Share Reflect Elaborate In the lesson plan we were presented with videos and articles to help us understand where the planets are in relation to each other, and interesting/unique facts about the planets.
What I liked about activity:
  • Interactive and a lot of activities to learn from
  • It gave us a chance for discovery
  • We got to explore the Solar System
  • Directions for activities were clear and understandable.
  • The project (selling your planet to travel to) is more engaging than doing a worksheet.
What I disliked about the activity:
  • Activities were repetitive
Here are my
Video Notes

  • Planets orbit the Sun.
  • Moons orbit a planet.
  • Planets and moons are spherical objects in space.
  • Moons can be the size of planets but because it's orbiting something larger than it , it can’t be a planet.
  • Earth is located in our Solar system.
  • The sun is at the center and 8 Planets orbit the Sun.
  • The Earth is located in the Milky Way  and in the universe.
  • Stars are made of hydrogen gas. The sun is our local star.
  • Two groups of planets, Terrestrial planets and Gas Giants.
  • Terrestrial planets are the inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
  • They are rocky, close to the Sun and close to each other.
  • Gas Giants are the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
  • These planets are made up of hydrogen, helium and other gases.
  • They are farther from the Sun and each other.
  • Measure planetary distance in Astronomical Units (AU).
  • AUs are the average distance from the Earth to the Sun.
  • 1AU is 93,000,000 miles
  • Earth located in our solar system.
  • Our solar system in the Milky Way galaxy.
  • The galaxy is 100,000 light years in diameter.
  • We orbit around the Milky Way just like we orbit around the Sun.
  • The solar system orbits around the bulge of the Milky Way and
  • there may be a black whole in the center.
  • It take 250 million years to go around the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
  • A galaxy is a large collection of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity.
  • 3 types df galaxies, spiral, elliptical and irregular.
  • The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy.
  • The Milky Way is one of a billion galaxies.
  • The Universe is very large.
  • People used to believe the Earth was the center of the Universe but technology advancements showed that it was not.  Than it was believed that the Sun was the center of the Universe which was not totally true.
  • The Sun is the center of our solar system.
  • Orbit, the path of an object in space.  As it moves around the Sun.
  • One orbit around the Sun is called a revolution.
  • Need the balance of gravity and inertia for an object to orbit.
  • Gravity is affected by mass and distance.
  • Gravity is the natural force of attraction between two objects.
  • The greater the mass the greater the gravitational force.
  • The greater the distance the lesser the gravitational force.
  • We say that planets orbit the Sun but technically they each orbit the mutual center of mass. Because a gravitational pull going both ways.
  • Earth rotates on its axis and it titles
  • 23 ½ degrees creating day and night 24 hour for 1 rotation of the earth
  • Revolution- is when an object is orbiting around another object.
  • Earth revolves around the sun ( takes 1 year) 365.25 days

Image result for solar system


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